Friday, September 30, 2011

Nash Farm Battlefield

A HUGE THANK YOU for attending the Nash Farm Jubilee!  We had a GREAT day of canons firing, soldiers marching, and civil war re-enacting.  One student even found out that his father's cousin was the organzier of the entire re-enactment!  Another student came to the re-enactment on Saturday AND Sunday . . . what dedication!  Please enjoy the pictures!
Mrs. Rushin's cousin, Lieutenant Noah Sprague with the 51st PA Union troop
Jack, Billy, and David with the Union army
Mrs. Rushin's cousin, Cody . . . the Union army drummer boy
Anthony, Sarah, Katie, and Brisha at the battle
Noah, checking the weapons before battle
Jack and Bryce with Cody
Billy and Tyler enjoying an authentic cup of Civil War root beer
Some familiar faces watching the battle
Simon is sad that his army lost the battle
Waiting for the battle to start . . . too bad we couldn't have class out on this hill every day!
Joshua and his cousin, Lieutenant Colonel Timothy Knight.  Do you see the resemblence?
Marching to the battlefield
Ashley and Noah

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Social Studies Extra Credit Opportunity

Next weekend, September 24th - 25th, there will be a live Civil War re-enactment at Nash Farm Battlefield, the only battlefield in Georgia that has been restored from the Atlanta Campaign.  Not only will there be a re-enactment, but an arts/crafts festival, food, and fun!  I have been encouraging students to attend, as it is a great way to see history come alive.  If you would more like information, please follow the links below.

Extra Credit Information:
I must have proof that you attended the re-enactment in order for you to earn extra credit.  This could be a brochure that you get while you are there, a schedule of events, or a picture of you there.  I will be there on the 24th, and would love to see you!  If I see you there, you do not need to bring anything in to class for proof.  As long as I have proof that you were there, you may choose one of the following:
*Extra 100 grade in social studies
*$50 in credits in your checkbook.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Preposition Song

Learn the Preposition Song for your test on Wednesday!
(To the tune of Yankee Doodle)

Aboard, about, above, across
Against, along, around
Amid, among, after, at
Except, for, during, down

Behind, below, beneath, beside
Between, before, beyond
By, in, from, off, over, of
Until, unto, upon

Under, underneath, since, up
Like, near, past, throughout, through
With, within, without, instead
Toward, inside, into to