Next weekend, September 24th - 25th, there will be a live Civil War re-enactment at Nash Farm Battlefield, the only battlefield in Georgia that has been restored from the Atlanta Campaign. Not only will there be a re-enactment, but an arts/crafts festival, food, and fun! I have been encouraging students to attend, as it is a great way to see history come alive. If you would more like information, please follow the links below.
Extra Credit Information:
I must have proof that you attended the re-enactment in order for you to earn extra credit. This could be a brochure that you get while you are there, a schedule of events, or a picture of you there. I will be there on the 24th, and would love to see you! If I see you there, you do not need to bring anything in to class for proof. As long as I have proof that you were there, you may choose one of the following:
*Extra 100 grade in social studies
*$50 in credits in your checkbook.